How to Master Industry Conferences & In-Person Meetings
In honor of Axial BD Week, we are focusing content this week on each of the five pillars of business development. Today’s focus is In-Person Business Development: Travel & Events.
As business development evolves, it will be hard to replace the benefits of an in-person meeting, but that doesn’t mean that every trip can’t become more valuable. One of the key ways to maximize the value of conferences is by thinking strategically about both the tactical elements and marketing opportunities of attendance. Set a goal for every conference and work backwards, from the number of attendees you will reach out to or the meetings you need to take to reach that goal. Below are four resources that will help you with this task.
How to Maximize Value at Your Next Industry Conference
Although most conferences only last a day or two, you need to be focused on the event for several days before and after to realize its full potential. The below article explores some key best practices to follow before, during, and after the conference that will help you make the most of the event.
3 Steps to Amplify Your Presence at Conferences
Conferences are also a great opportunity to broadcast a current message or new positioning strategy for your firm. If you’ve recently expanded into a new industry vertical, or are making larger investments than before, conferences are a great way to update new and existing contacts about the strategy.
How to Calculate Your Event ROI: Free Excel Template Download
Conferences use a large amount of our most valuable resources: time and money. And without clear metrics, it can be hard to identify the value created by our use of those resources at conferences. But by clearly tracking the ROI on each conference, deciding whether or not to attend is no longer a guessing game. Rather, it becomes a decision based on historical performance and projected return. Read the below article and download the associated Excel template to help you keep track of your event ROI.
Read the Article and Download the Tool
Pre-Conference Checklist
Before heading off to your next conference, check out our pre-conference checklist. With everything on this list, you’ll be prepared to have a productive and effective event.