How to Sell My Healthcare Business
Selling a healthcare business presents unique challenges. Learn how to navigate these obstacles and find a specialist advisor to streamline your sale.
Good afternoon, all. Today we’re reading about how startup “joiners” are and aren’t like founders. Reporting on a recent academic study, the article makes some interesting conclusions: joiners are less interested in management and more risk averse than founders, but both groups were more likely to exhibit overconfidence.
Meanwhile, a survey shows that mid-market companies are pursuing M&A as a growth tactic. Among the insights, 41 percent of 100 surveyed advisors, investors and buyers said M&A is the primary strategy being used by companies to grow in 2015. For 50 percent of corporate buyers, the key evaluation metric is a strong record of growth.
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Middle Market Move of the Week
Private equity gets smart with this investment. North Castle, a private equity firm focused on consumer businesses that promote, healthy, active and sustainable living recently invested in SmartyPants Vitamins.
Founded in 2010, SmartyPants Vitamins provides gummy vitamin supplements for kids and adults. With a focus on sustainable sourcing and natural ingredients, North Castle saw the the potential for strong business development for the mission-driven company. Read the full press release.