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Aerospace & Defense Corporations - Axial

Members (425 results)

Crafts Technology


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The Crafts Way fosters strong synergies between engineering, manufacturing, and materials science to produce hard wear parts that significantly enhance the overall performance and productivity of industrial equipment for both the OEM and the end-user

Nexlegacy Solution


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Nexlegacy Solution is a well-established and successful construction business with a proven track record of delivering quality projects on time and within budget. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional services and customer satisfaction, which has helped us build a strong reputation in the industry. As part of our growth strategy, we are seeking to acquire other operating businesses that complement and enhance our existing operations. Our goal is to create a larger, more diverse, and more efficient organization that can better serve our customers and stakeholders. We…

Roof King and Restoration


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Our website is We have grown from $0 to $10 million in just over 3 years. We are now looking to continue our expansion in the Columbus, Dayton, Cincy markets, as well as thru acquisition in other States. We have a strong banking relationship with Chase, Wright-Patt, and Cerebro Capital to fund our deals.

Loki Equity Ventures


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At Loki Equity Ventures (LEV), we partner with passionate entrepreneurs that address the gaps in the current markets and have a proven concept and potential for exponential growth. LEV focuses on financial technology (fintech), health and fitness, high quality goods and services for conscientious buyers, real estate, and industrial / professional services. Our innovative management team leverages our experience across all business functional areas to directly address these market opportunities as well as prepare them for a sizable exit. We also believe it is our duty to dedicate our vision to…

VSI Parylene


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At VSI Parylene, we focus on developing precision parylene coating processes to meet our customers' unique demands. By employing lean manufacturing techniques and continuously improving our processes, we've built a solid track record of streamlining parylene coating processes - resulting in higher volumes, lower cost, and reduced lead times (from two weeks to two days, in some cases), and all while maintaining the highest customer acceptance ratings.We approach the parylene industry differently than our competitors. We see an opportunity to truly partner with existing parylene users to help…

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