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Oil & Gas Storage & Transportation Corporations - Axial

Members (47 results)

Merit Oil Company


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Merit Oil Company is a third generation business that offers a wide variety of petroleum products. Merit Oil Company is a 76 Unocal Distributor, as well as other fine brands. We offer gasolines, diesel fuels, thinners, solvents, kerosene, automotive, commercial and industrial lubricants of the finest quality. Merit Oil provides delivery of products as well as wethose and cardlock fueling. Merit Oil Company is a proud member of the Western Petroleum Marketers Association (WPMA) , California Independent Oil Marketers Association and the California Truckers Association. Merit Oil Company is…

Bryant Capital Trade


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BCT provides energy supplies to domestic and multinational companies hedged with "exchange-cleared products". Supplies are sourced from "AAA" suppliers (worldwide) and combined with exchange-cleared options to create client specific products used to secure the client's forward budget and operational margins. Seeking $29 million trade-finance facility to purchase and transport energy feedstocks to Investment-Grade counterparties.  Transactions are risk-neutral; are twelve to twenty-four month term; and are protected with credit risk insurance.  Allocated funds are collateralize with client…

Global Ocean


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It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. In a changing offshore and marine marketplace we structure projects against revenue generating contracts. These are structured into Single Purpose Companies where we seek investors/investment to take the project on stream.We delivers a more personal and innovative project brokerage service to the marketplace where challenge the establishment, challenge the norms and deliver an innovative and efficient end result that will stand out as a valuable service provision to…

STASH Secure Data


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Stash is a technology company that has developed a patent-pending breakthrough of stunning impact in the cybersecurity realm – the solution to eradicating data vulnerability – a modern day scourge of immense proportion. An estimated 50+ Billion devices will be connected to each other by 2020 making for a nightmare of endpoints, each a way in to where your valuable data is, impossible to guard against intrusion, data theft, destruction, loss, and manipulation, as well as malware and ransomware. Unless you have Stash.99.9% of other security options are but tools, developed as fences, walls,…

Ace Global Ventures Pte Ltd


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Nascent single man entity, strategically working on an ambitious greenfield ITES / Ecommerce proposition at the seed stage for the launch of a subscription based virtual global integrated supply chain hub / eco-system for businesses, Governments and people around the world (to be rolled out in phases), currently pitching to laterally minded strategic investors for large cap seed capital. Significantly differentiated functionality and design using a combination of cutting edge software technology, indexed value chains, structured marketplaces and best practice risk / supply chain management…

Mid Atlantic Tank


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MID ATLANTIC TANK is a United States of America based forming company that will construct a fuel storage tank farm terminal to store crude oil and refined petrochemical products from North Dakota crude oil producers and global refineries. Fuel storage will be leased for Spot and Contractual terms to assist traders in bringing fuel to the global market, while adjusting for price fluctuations. This is a global business model; focused on trading with countries, re-sellers of fuel and end users that bunker liquid petroleum products on vessels and shore tank storage at their seaports.

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