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Top M&A Advisory Firms in Raleigh - Axial

There are 8 Top M&A Advisory Firms in Raleigh listed on Axial's lower middle market Directory. The information on these Top M&A Advisory Firms in Raleigh was populated directly from the Axial platform. You can access more profiles of Top M&A Advisory Firms in Raleigh like these, by becoming a member of Axial. Connect with the right deal partner at the right time, leveraging the power of the Axial network.

Members (8 results)

Sunfield Advisors

M&A Advisory Firm
  • 46 Total Closed Deals
Sunfield Advisors is a growth-oriented Tech and Human Capital management M&A advisory firm with over 125 years of combined expertise. Founded by a team of former CEOs and business owners in 2008, Sunfield leverages firsthand experience to increase company valuations and accelerate business transactions.Why US Being entrepreneurs, it comes naturally for us to advise other entrepreneurs on M&A. Sunfield’s partners’ histories with buying and selling companies are fundamental to our success as advisors.Our team has managed over 90 transactions globally, demonstrating our expertise in…
Most Recent Transactions
May 2024
was acquired by
Mar 2024
was acquired by
Feb 2024
was acquired by
Jan 2024
was acquired by

Transact Partners International, LLC

M&A Advisory Firm

    This member has no reported closed transactions.

Transact Partners International is a Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory firm that serves lower middle market privately held companies, family-owned businesses and corporate spin-offs. Transact Partners, headquartered in Raleigh, NC, provides representation services to business owners selling their companies or that are seeking growth/equity capital. We also specialize in sourcing acquisition opportunities for Private Equity Groups, Corporate Acquirers and Strategic Investors. Transact Partners has represented domestic and international companies across a wide spectrum of industries including…

Empire Strategic Advisors

M&A Advisory Firm
  • 6 Total Closed Deals
We are a Raleigh, NC and Nashville, TN based firm that provides mergers & acquisition and strategic advisory services to middle-market companies across numerous industry sectors. We have a unique perspective rooted in our principals' successful history of advising entrepreneur and family-owned businesses, financial sponsors and major corporations.We believe that every company has an entrepreneurial passion that drives it and a story that defines it. We deliver unconventional results through our unique ability to tell each client's story and drive relentless execution because of the…
Most Recent Transactions
May 2019
was acquired by
Jan 2019
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May 2018
was acquired by
Jun 2017
was acquired by

Par3 Equity Partners

M&A Advisory Firm
  • 1 Total Closed Deal
Par3 Equity Partners provide quality buy-side services to the private equity investment community. We exclusively focus on software/SAAS/Technology platform and add-on deals for our clients. Our vast experience and expertise in the enterprise software space enables us to provide a consultive approach to our clients to find the next best software platform/add-on for their portfolio of investment companies.
Most Recent Transactions
Aug 2018
was acquired by

MM&A, Inc.

M&A Advisory Firm

    This member has no reported closed transactions.

MM&A, Inc- Mussler and Associates is and has been an Advisor and Transaction Broker for many Businesses and or Investors or other groups entering and exiting Prior to 1984 Middle Market Transactions since 1984. Prior to 1984 and since then we have owned and /or invested in : Water Purification Systems, Inc, Water Equipment Manufacturing, Inc, Clean Water, Inc- all sold to Olsonite Corp Two Plastic Injection Molding Companies. We advise and represent companies in most industries: Energy Service Units, Water Purification Injection and Transfer Molding and Mold Design, All areas of…

Murphy Business Sales

M&A Advisory Firm

    This member has no reported closed transactions.

Murphy Business brings unmatched expertise and professional representation to sellers of businesses in the Research Triangle area, including Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, as well as Eastern North Carolina. If you have a business elsewhere in North Carolina, we may be able to help you, either directly or through a referral.

Capital City Group

M&A Advisory Firm

    This member has no reported closed transactions.

Capital City Group is a boutique mergers and acquisitions advisory firm that serves the owners and management teams of privately-held, lower middle market businesses. Our typical client has annual revenue between $10 million and $50 million and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA") in excess of $2 million. Our success has been built upon a sincere, unwavering commitment to integrity, diligence and professionalism in all that we do. We consider our work a high calling and the opportunity to serve a privilege.

Markus Group

M&A Advisory Firm

    This member has no reported closed transactions.

Markus Group Ltd. is a strong consultancy firm specializing in development and outsourcing of products for client companies. We only provide goods to our client companies. Our goal is to increase our client's sales and profitability. We employ a systems approach to ensure products meet their design-to-cost and performance goals.Our educational background is in Ergonomics. This influences everything we do from product design to our business consulting practice. We maintain strong relationships with Universities and are able to bring extremely talented individuals and technology to bear on the…

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