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Patent Valuation: Excerpts from Breakfast with David Wanetick

Axial hosted David Wanetick of IncreMental Advantage for its latest Member breakfast in midtown NYC.  David is a recognized expert on patent valuation and the enormous complexities patents present in the context of licensing, M&A, and accounting scenarios.

The discussion centered around the key factors that impact a patent’s value and how that value gets created and derived.  We then let the attendees do some Q&A with David and have included some excerpts below.  David’s contact information is at the bottom of the article.  Enjoy!

Q: How do you value a patent?

What do valuing Patents and Fine Art have in common? Hear David discuss different methods used to value a patent, and why the story value is a critical component of patent valuation. Having a good story behind the patent truly matters.

Q: What are the sources of patent value?

What kind of value can the patent deliver to the acquirer, where the invention was discovered, the network effect, switching costs, and reputation are all different ways a patent derives its value. Here David explain each of these providing context and real world examples.


David Wanetick, Managing Director at IncreMental Advantage is an internationally recognized expert on valuing intangible assets. He teaches Valuation of Emerging Technologies at The Business Development Academy and developed the Certified Patent Valuation Analyst designation. He can be reached at [email protected].


This article is provided by Axial Inc. and its affiliates for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, legal or business advice. This article is a summary that we believe may be of interest to you for general information. It is not a full analysis of the matters presented and should not be relied upon. Prior to acting upon any information set forth in this article or related to this article, you should consult independent legal counsel.

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