Advisor Industry Awards: The Top 12 Deals of 2024
Axial first introduced quarterly League Tables in 2019 to recognize the top Investment Banks and M&A Advisory Firms on Axial…
Although emerging markets are still a risky bet for LPs and GPs, Africa seems to be attracting a growing influx of capital. Last week, CNBC reported, “PE funds invested $8.1 billion in African companies over 2014, the second highest total ever after the $8.3 billion in 2007.” Although the $8.1 billion pales in comparison to US-focused investments, the increase in Africa-focused funds and deals is not insignificant. Much of the focus has been on the telecommunications sector.
It remains to be seen if the dollars will continue to flow to Africa and other emerging markets in 2015. Bain’s recent Global Private Equity Report expressed doubt and suggested, “at a time when political, economic and social uncertainties are running high—as they are in most markets around the world today—PE investors are reflexively taking steps to reduce their risk exposure.”
This week in history… Andrew Carnegie incorporates Carnegie Steel Company (1900).