The Winning M&A Advisor [Vol. 1, Issue 4]
Welcome to the 4th issue of the Winning M&A Advisor, the Axial publication that anonymously unpacks data, fees, and terms…
Most seem to agree that last week’s stock market volatility isn’t likely to affect mid-market M&A activity, which has been on the rise.
Meanwhile, the pressure is on private equity. “Private equity’s fees practices are unfair, sometimes illegal, deeply opaque, and tilted too far in favor general partners at the expense of investors,” reports Chief Financial Officer.
This week in history… FDR’s Revenue Act, also known as the “Wealth Tax Act” is passed into law. The plan increased taxes for the rich and lowered taxes for small businesses. Those unhappy with the plan labelled FDR a Communist and a traitor to his own (very comfortable) class. (1953)