Building a Consequential Investment Bank with Adam Breslawsky
In this episode, Peter Lehrman sits down with Adam Breslawsky, founding partner and managing director of lower middle market investment…
MarketWatch reports that global M&A activity is still on track for a blockbuster year, and 2015 has already surpassed 2014 in deal value. But the FT reports that deal volume continued to weaken in October.
Meanwhile, The Street reports that four out of five mid-market businesses expect to engage in M&A in the next three years — “a healthy outlook for investment banks and asset managers.”
Forum Features
This Week in History… Monopoly is released by Parkers Brothers. Invented by Charles B. Darrow (who based it on a game called “the Landlord Game” patented thirty years earlier). Darrow started out by making the board game himself, but eventually looked for a manufacturer to produce it at greater scale. Parker Brothers turned down Darrow at first, before changing its mind and buying the game that would become the best-selling board game of all time. (1935)