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New Release: Axial v3.2

We’re excited to announce the release of Axial v3.2. With version 3.2, we have upgraded significant portions of our infrastructure, and enhanced the Opportunity creation and management features of our platform. For Axial Members, this means increased Opportunity profiling capabilities, improved manageability of Opportunities, and enriched company profiles for both Buyers and Sellers.

As always, we love feedback from our Members and others within the industry, so if you have any thoughts, please leave a comment or send us an email at [email protected]!

Enhanced Financial Details

Our data and user research indicate that Buyers are more responsive and make more well-informed decisions about Axial Opportunities when they have more detailed and thorough financial details. Sellers that provide these details help their clients by reducing time-consuming follow up and promoting self-selection of the right types of both strategic and financial Buyers.

Version 3.2 of Axial brings a new level of precision to the financial details included in each Opportunity, while reducing the burden of entry for Sellers. We’ve also added automatic calculation of both margin and growth rates from the provided financial details, and have standardized the display of this information according to investment banking best practices.

Each Opportunity must include both Revenue and EBITDA values for the current and previous years, though Sellers are able to enter additional historical and projected values as well. Based on our interviews with Buyers about the data they find most valuable, we’ve also included Gross Profit and CapEx fields as well. Sellers can also indicate whether the financial statements of a company have been audited.

IOI Deadlines

We’ve received a number of requests from both Buyers and Sellers to add additional information regarding their expected timeline for receiving responses. Axial v3.2 now allows the entry of an IOI Deadline, which will be highlighted when presenting the Opportunity to potential Buyers so that they know when their IOIs must be submitted.

Enhanced Buyer Profiles

As part of our effort to maximize the amount of relevant information that Buyers can present to Sellers, we’ve added several new fields to the Buyer Profile. Every Buyer in Axial has a Buyer Profile that provides an overview of that company, including company type, geographic presence, and a description of the company and its overall investment and acquisition strategies.

Version 3.2 adds additional fields that help describe the investment details of the Buyer company, including the Average Transaction Size, the Total Capital Available for Transactions (this is a company’s “dry powder”), and the Total Capital Under Management. These fields, which are required for all financial investors, are displayed on each Buyer Profile available to Sellers, and will help a Seller understand more about the capacity and types of investments that each financial investor makes in the marketplace.

For Corporate Development Officers, Business-unit Presidents and other Strategic Buyers, we’ve added Maximum Transaction Size and Preferred Deal Structure fields, which help describe the overall size of acquisition and form of transaction that the strategic Buyer generally makes.

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