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Buyers, Family Offices, Lenders, Private Equity

Product Update: Improve Deal Flow by Improving Your Responsiveness Score


None of us like to wait for important information, and that’s certainly true in the deal-making world. The faster you respond to advisors and bankers on Axial, the more likely they’ll be to send you their current deal, and their future deals.

Axial calculates a “responsiveness score” for every buyer, investor and lender on the platform. This is used by our recommendation engine to rank the Recommended Targets we generate for advisors and CEOs, so they can see it when bringing their deals to market.

An example of what advisors and CEOs see when they get a list of recommended partners.

Our data has clearly shown that buyers, investors and lenders with a strong responsiveness score will see more and better deals.

The score is calculated for each individual, not for a firm. If you’re sourcing deals on Axial, you can see your own score by going to your user preferences page. Here’s an example of what you would see:

Axial calculates your Responsiveness Score using two main metrics:

  • Over the last 90 days, how often did you respond to the deals you received (pursue/decline)? This comprises 75% of your score.
  • Over the last 90 days, how quickly did you respond to deals? This comprises 25% of your score.

The logic we use to show your score is as follows:

  • 90% – 100% Responsiveness: “Always Responds”
  • 75 – 90% Responsiveness: “Frequently Responds”
  • 40 – 75% Responsiveness: “Often Responds”
  • 0 – 40% Responsiveness: “Rarely Responds”
  • No deals received in the last 90 days: “NA”

The good news is that you can boost your responsiveness right now by retroactively responding to deals in your inbox. It’ll have an immediate impact on your rating, and in turn lead to increased deal flow on the platform.

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