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Advisors, Business Owners, CFOs

Product Update: Connect with New Members and Opportunities, at a Glance


As a banker or sell-side advisor, you want to know what’s high priority on your to-do list so you can tackle the most pressing tasks first.

That’s why we made new recommendations easier to see on Axial so you can take action faster.

Our smarter dashboard lets you see new opportunities for your deals and whether you’ve engaged with them, at a glance. Now you can log into Axial and easily view:

  • Any new recommendations you have for a deal (whether you’ve gone to market with it or not),
  • How many recommendations you have in total for a deal, and
  • How many of those recommendations you’ve contacted


You can also see a buyer or capital provider’s project headline in your Recommended Targets List and Contacted Targets list sidebars. This makes it easier for you to decide who you want to speak to, while helping buy-side members specifically market their criteria for a more seamless and efficient experience on both sides.


Finally, if you want to download your Contacted Targets list to Excel, you can now do that too.

If you haven’t had a chance to explore how Axial can supercharge your deal process, we’d love to show you how.

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