How to Sell My Healthcare Business
Selling a healthcare business presents unique challenges. Learn how to navigate these obstacles and find a specialist advisor to streamline your sale.
At Axial, we speak with hundreds of business owners each month who are exploring the sale of their businesses.
One of the patterns we’ve seen: business owners think it can happen more expediently than it actually does.
Our research indicates that a business owner should start the exit planning process about 1,000 days prior to their intended sale date – which equates to just under three years.
Starting the planning and preparation process years in advance of the targeted exit date will allow ample time to:
Below is a suggested business exit timeline, broken out into stages, with focus areas for business owners at each stage.
Below, we’ve compiled a variety of educational resources associated with each stage of the business exit timeline. Also included are select Axial offerings that can further assist business owners as they navigate through the entire business transition process.