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Advisors, Buyers

The Top 50 Lower Middle Market Consumer Investors & M&A Advisors [2023]

Axial is excited to release its 2023 publication of the Top 50 Lower Middle Market Consumer Investors & M&A Advisors.

In recent years, the consumer sector has faced several obstacles: a decline in discretionary spending; interest rate increases; challenges associated with forecasting forward demand and potential margin contraction. 

In our upcoming research report, we shed light on these topics and share the 6-12 month M&A market outlook from the perspective of consumer focused dealmakers on Axial. 

Today, we are featuring the 50 Axial members that have remained resilient through the recent industry setbacks and have continued to be productive. Congratulations to each of them for their achievements. 

Our Top 50 consumer list was generated based on a weighted formula leveraging four key metrics:

  • The number of consumer deals brought to market via Axial (sell-side)
  • The level of interest those deals generated from Axial’s buy-side member base
  • The number of specific consumer-focused investment mandates created in the platform (buy-side)
  • The number of consumer deals that progressed through the deal funnel achieving a signed NDA, shared CIM, received IOI, received LOI, executed LOI or successfully consummated transaction (buy-side & sell-side).

The Axial Consumer Top 50

Buy-Side Sell-Side
365 Holdings Align Business Advisory Services
Bridger Growth Partners, LLC Auctus Capital Partners
Camano Capital Bentley Associates
Camp Lake Capital, LLC Consensus Advisors, LLC
Charis Consumer Partners   FOCUS Investment Banking
CMG Companies Fortunet
Cottonwood Acquisitions FourBridges Capital Advisors
Crescendo Capital Partners Hughes Klaiber
Dekos Capital JD Merit & Company
Dominion Equity, LLC Murphy McCormack Capital Advisors
Fairchild Capital Partners New Direction Partners
Gen Cap America Northern Edge Advisors
Grand Valley Holdings, LLC Pacifica Advisors
Hayden Creek Capital Peakstone Group
Hudson Glade R.L. Hulett & Company, Inc.
JDA Advisors, LLC SDR Ventures
Ouabache Investments Strategic Exit Advisors
Panther Equity Group Stump & Company
Peak Rock Capital Sun Mergers & Acquisitions
Pearl Street Capital Partners The Independence Group
RJF Capital Advisors Three Twenty-One Capital Partners
Strength Capital Partners Two Roads Advisors
Tenaz Capital Co. Venture 7 Advisors
Traverse Pointe Partners Vesticor Advisors
West Lane Capital Partners Woodbridge International

~ Closed 1 or more deals on the Axial Platform

Introducing the Axial Passport

In the world of M&A, reputation and credibility are paramount…. which is why Axial recently released the Axial Passport. 

The purpose of the Passport is to allow any member of the M&A ecosystem to efficiently gauge the experience and credibility of potential transaction counterparts.

Above, we’ve featured four passports for Consumer Top 50 members. As you can see, the Passport provides a snapshot of a member’s M&A credentials and key performance metrics. It attaches to every member profile and updates daily.

To learn more about the Axial Passport and the metrics featured, see here.

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