2016 M&A Predictions Revisited (Part 2) Yesterday, we shared six predictions for M&A in the second half of 2016. Read them here. Here are seven more…
2016 M&A Predictions Revisited (Part 1) Back in January, we asked Axial members for their predictions for M&A in 2016. Halfway through the year, we’re looking…
10 Summer Reads for Deal Pros Whether you’re planning on taking time off or working straight through summer, there’s no better season to get in some…
For Sell-Side Advisors, Searching Online Leads to More Closed Deals What’s the best way to find a buyer? The answer could be as simple as “search.” An Axial survey found…
What Are Investment Banks Searching For? What better way to learn about investment bankers’ priorities and interests than their search history? We took a look at…
5 Types of Financial Buyers Intermediaries Dread So many buyers. So little time. Last week Brent Beshore of adventur.es wrote an Axial Forum article on 4 Frustrating…
China and EU Add Uncertainty in Cross-Border Deals Cross-border M&A made up 45% of global deal volume during the first five months of 2016, easily surpassing the historical…
The Myth of the Summer Slowdown Summer may be a season of rest and relaxation, but many deal professionals aren’t taking a break. Though some sources…
4 Frustrating Initial Approaches of Investment Bankers So many opportunities. So little time. This issue makes investment bankers and business brokers critical to effective M&A, especially in…