3 Concrete Ways Advisors Can Help CEOs Beat the Exit Odds Dealmakers and advisors for low to mid market business owners know the grim statistics: S. Trust reported that 67% of…
Middle Market Weekly Outlook As oil prices continued to fall, most in the industry prepared for a steady stream of mergers and acquisitions. But…
3 Overlooked Issues in M&A and How to Solve Them It looks like 2016 is going to be a very strong year for M&A deal volume overall. This isn’t so…
Middle Market Saw Fewest January Deals in 25 Years: What It Means Thompson Reuters has been measuring private equity activity on a month-to-month basis since 1978 and, according to recently published research,…
Middle Market Weekly Outlook Does experience in M&A help you with a future merger? According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, maybe not:…
Iran and Oil: The Impact of the 2016 Presidential Election It’s no secret that there has been mounting concern on a global scale around the current state of the oil…
Why Social Impact Investing Is the New Frontier As an industry, private equity gets a pretty bad rap in the public sphere. Most people aren’t exactly sure what…
Middle Market Weekly Outlook Total M&A volume is high, but how sturdy is the market? Bloomberg reports that 2016 numbers are “being buttressed by…
Underwater, In Demand: Trends in Mid-Market Marine Acquisitions Three years ago our Rhode Island-based company managed the sale of a $4 million annual revenue premium retail seafood company…