New eBook: 9 Clauses to Include in Every NDA NDAS are the first step for almost every deal — but many deal professionals overlook their importance. An NDA (non-disclosure…
Ask the Network: The Outlook for Industrials and Manufacturing M&A Welcome to “Ask the Network,” where we leverage the expertise of Axial members to answer questions submitted by middle market…
Middle Market Weekly Outlook A few years ago, analysts expected a flood of small business sales as baby boomers prepared to retire. But the…
Manufacturing Private Equity: Strong and Gaining Steam in Q4 2015 If 2015 has seen an overarching theme in the mid-market private equity space, it’s probably best described as “eagerness for…
Middle Market Weekly Outlook Overall M&A activity is on the rise and could reach its highest level in over three decades. But Forbes reports that…
Ask the Network: The Outlook for Healthcare M&A Welcome to “Ask the Network,” where we leverage the expertise of Axial members to answer questions submitted by middle market…
4 Ways Private Equity Can Outflank Strategic Buyers Public companies at or near their all-time stock price highs, top-line pressure constantly bearing down on CEOs, and access to…
Middle Market Weekly Outlook It’s October, but our minds are still on summer deal activity. Pitchbook reports that $262.7 billion was invested into 1,353…
7 Travel Best Practices Every Dealmaker Should Know Time is a valuable commodity. If you’re planning on using yours to travel, it’s important to spend it as efficiently…