What Every Business Owner Should Know About Investment Banking Fees As a business owner, engaging an investment banker is one of the first steps you’ll take on the road to…
From Bankrupt to Profitable in a Year: A Turnaround Tale I’ve made a career out of turning around mid-market and sub $50 million companies — the kind of businesses that can’t…
What’s the Biggest Mistake CFOs Make When Raising Debt? Raising capital is a time-intensive, complex process for any CFO or CEO. What are the most common mistakes along the…
Top 5 Things to Know About Terms and Conditions for SBA Loans Recently, we shared our top 5 tips for navigating SBA financing for acquisitions, including picking the right bank and what…
“The 3 Hardest Parts of Selling My Company” Adam Banks founded New York Sports Med, a physical therapy practice, with two partners in 2007. One of his co-founders…
Selling? Look for a Buyer Who’s Walked a Mile in Your Shoes In 1996, Sheng Yen and Nellie Lin acquired a sandal manufacturing company called Flojos from a family in Guadalajara, Mexico…
Running vs. Merging: What Occasional Acquirers Need to Know Study after study has shown that frequent acquirers (those who spend at least 5% of their market value per year…
How Customer Due Diligence Led to a 30% Reduction in Offer Price The core of any business is its customers. Their loyalty, and perception of the business can tell you as much…
Owners: Stop Obsessing Over Valuation “Far too many owners obsess over price at the expense of terms,” says Giff Constable, former investment banker, CEO through…