Buyers Now is the Time for PE Firms to be Aggressive with Roll-Ups Aggressively pursuing acquisition opportunities in a downturn is by no means a new or novel strategy in the world of…
Investing in Human Capital It’s very easy to get swept up in the nitty gritty of due diligence when assessing a prospective acquisition target.…
Business Owners The Fastest Way to Earn Your Earnout One noticeable impact of COVID-19 on M&A is the increased usage of earnout clauses in transaction structures. Whereas eight months…
Creating Favorable Deal Structures in Times of Uncertainty The COVID-19 pandemic put a temporary halt to virtually all M&A transactions earlier this year, and for good reason too.…
Business Owners Analyzing Churn During SaaS Due Diligence Maximize the odds of successful SaaS acquisitions by going beyond traditional churn and loyalty metrics to leverage the true drivers…
Buyers Preserving Value After the Deal Closing a transaction, the culmination of months of painstaking planning, due-diligence and negotiations – also the beginning of an even…
Buyers Balancing Operational Efficiency with Resiliency M&A came to a screeching halt in early March as investment professionals around the globe quickly transitioned to portfolio company…
Leaving Money on the Virtual Table COVID-19 has been a clear catalyst for the food delivery industry. Widespread government-mandated restaurant closures and consumer quarantining has driven…
Reducing Risk in Cross Border M&A Transactions Deal professionals are settling into the new normals of today’s M&A environment, finding ways to continue to get deals done…